How to save a life
Your input into the medical care of your chidren and loved ones can be vital….this is how to get involved
In 2011 our ten-month old daughter was diagnosed with Leukaemia.
I will never forget the shock and horror of that moment. Suddenly all the worries and concerns that we had as parents paled into insignificance.
We felt helpless and confused. But there wasn’t time to make sense of our new situation.
Our daughter Paige started chemotherapy the very next day and so began 114 weeks of treatment that would severely test her physical and mental strength again and again. It would also test our bonds as a family and transform our outlook on life forever.
However, this isn’t a story of how a small child battled one of the most feared illnesses, as fascinating as that tale might be. This is the story of how my wife Lisa saved our daughter’s life – twice – through her unyielding determination to do whatever she thought was best for her child.
I believe that we all have an important role to play in the clinical decisions that impact our loved ones, yet it can be hard to know and when to play that role. When faced with a serious medical diagnosis, surrounded by experts, bombarded with unfamiliar terms and complicated new information, it’s difficult to know how you fit into the process. But you can…and you must.
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